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someone keep me posted on when somebody else makes a version of this with more stuff in it~

VTuberPlus is the newer version of this, but VNyan is much better imo since it's all-in-one and doesn't require VSF to run simultaneously. It's a lot more customizable too

Why is my model brighter in TIFA than in VSeeFace?

The person that made this program literally doesn't even work on this anymore don't bother leaving comments I guess

Hi is it possible to use this program with a veadotube pngtuber?

Not sure if this is still updated , is there a way to change what we get thrown at our faces ?

My character's head doesn't react to objects being thrown at his face.  I added the Spring Bones component to head, but what am I missing?

i dont know if i asked this already but can you get it working for trovo also

Does this work for 3tene?

Hello, my model just turned black,  what can i do?

I don't know how it turned black :/


never go back


I want to change the name of the integration to another one, which file should I modify?

were they be a way to toggle camera or will I always have to use ASWD keys to fix location of my model


Is there a way to use this tool with VMagicMirror?


VMM doesn't have the needed compatibility to interact with programs like this unfortunately. From what I've been able to research only VSeeFace will work


I've seen clips where people get multiple things thrown at them at once, and it appears to be from one redeem. Is this a custom command or just a lot of people redeeming at once?

For some reason light settings in vseeface dont affect the model in Tifa, resulting in my model being extremely white and bright even though on VSeeFace it's not. Why does Tifa use its own light system and can there be an option to remove/change it?

Will you ever release the source code?


Is there a feature to scale the items? My model is way too big for the items, so the box is in my neck at mini tiny size


Or to make the avatar smaller for the items?


Is it possible to have this be shown through vseeface like to use TIFA I have to stream it through the TIFA window and the quality of the shading goes down by a lot.

for some reason my model on tifa and vseeface don't entirely match i can zoom in and out on my model in vseeface but it doesn't match on TIFA how do i fix?


By chance, is there a way to make an OBS portable install work with TIfa.  no matter what I try I can't, both progs with run as admin, higher priority, higher IO setting, processor affinity set to all or known cores that aren't busy.  Local installs see it just fine.  Happens with win 10 and win 11.


Would it be possible to get an update one day to change avatars without closing the program? I use multiple outfits and when someone redeems an outfit change, I have to close the program fully and reload it to change outfits. I'm sure there are multiple streamers that have a bunch of outfits for their avatars and this would be a godsend


We are migrating to Vtuber Plus instead, this one contains the feature you are seeking

I bought this without an account. Do I have to buy it again if I want to update it?

Yes explicitly states that


Do you plan on adding a way to use custom names for redeems and/or letting viewers use bits/subs?

Are you still working on this?


Hello! Is there a place where all the keyboard shortcuts are listed for the different items? 

Hello! I cant seem to connect Tifa to Vseeface! I have the same model open in both and the correct port number in Vseeface. yet it still won't move in tifa. 

I do have another port connected to the face tracking app Waidayo (Which I can get working with Tifa) but for some reason not Vseeface. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong? thank you!


This looks super abandoned, are you still planning working on it? Or I have to change to VTuber Plus instead?


I already moved once I saw the other had custom throwables. Ty for the name~♪

Thank you for the implicit recommendation!

*wink wink*

Is it possible to make it work with Twitch Studio Beta via Greenscreen?

I want to stick to Twitch Studio but it does not has Transparancy Mode

Thank you for not obfuscating or encrypting the files! I was able to successfully mod in support for cheers and subs through pubsub. For other users who want to learn how, I followed the tutorial "Modding Unity Games Using DnSpy" on YouTube. Just make sure you know how to code before you get into it! :P


Hey Jason. Congrats on your modding work. Do you think it would be possible to share the mod? I'm not sure if my coding knowledge will be enough ;-;

is it possible to make more than 1 object be thrown at the vtuber?

Hello! I love this program a lot and have a ton of fun with it, but was wondering if there is some kind of hot key to switch your avatars without having to close out of the program and reopen it?   have a lot of outfits I like to switch to mid stream, but its a hassle to close out of it and open it back to change an outfit  (plus the model disappears when you do that)

I've seen people say something about it charging up to 100% then hitting a button then the streamer gets pelted with stuff for a few seconds. How do you do that?

clear all button under channel points queue

Would you ever add a support of other point systems? Like the streamlabs loyal point system? Not everyone has the access to the channel points from twitch but would like to use tifa in there streams.

Are there supposed to be sound effects? I have none/cannot get any to work and it looks awkward against complete silence.

My program is up to date and everything else seems to be running correctly. Thanks

hi, is an update to be compatible with vseeface 2D props is planned or not?

Hello! I purchased this program today and got it to work for a moment, but when I closed and reopened it the program has my model in a T pose.

I have the OSC/VMC protocol to IP Address "" and the port value to "39539" but it still leaves my character in that T pose.

Is there something I can do to fix this? I see a few others have this issue as well.

Thank you for your time!


i would LOVE IT, if you could allow for other triggers to work with this, such as follows or subs, or gift subs, or commands!

Definitly would be great to setup other triggers than channel points. Would probably require a bit more configuration, but would definitly be great to see something like that, so you don't need to be affiliate or partner.

it could be points by a specific bot! :D

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