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This tool is really fun, but the avatar looks poor, how can I upload the anti aliasing? because it is what it lacks comparing it with the Vseeface, it would be great if the avatar could be seen as I want it to look, and not blurry


This tool is really fun!

Will have to admit my main hope is to see the ability to import custom content like Sounds, Models and anything complicated to play around with creatively for some high quality shenanigans

but whats allready here is great :D


So I've been playing around the settings a bit and i just can't make it look right, the anti aliasing works in TIFA, but the transparency is handled in the program itself is causing the distortion i think.(since vseeface doesn't do this) Plus there is this weird fish eye effect going on. Here is an image of the exact same source with the same settings, but left set to vseeface and right to TIFA. The difference is huge esp when movement happens. I love this program but the way it makes my character look is a huge problem. If this is on me please let me know so i can fix it, otherwise i hope the future brings an update with a clearer image ^^

yeah, anti-aliasing done by your gpu won't reflect when obs captures it. the creator will have to add an anti-aliasing option. :(


why is my avatar so close to the camera? i mean its halfway cut of

You can move the camera in the app to make it not so close up

I have the problem, that my character as alising problems via tifa. Not at all with veeseeface ... :/ looks very ugly, is there a way to fix this issue?

You can force anti-aliasing through the NVIDIA control panel, or the AMD one.


There are 5 different "anti-aliasing options" in the 3D area of Nivida. Wich of them do I have to activate for TIFA?

Hey melon, I'm having an issue with when i blink in tika, my characters mouth shrinks a little. This isnt happening in vseeface and I've double checked all the setting and such for transferring motion data. Any idea of what this could be?

Is your character a VSF or a VRM? If it's a VSF, try with a VRM, because VSF animations are not sent from VSeeFace to TIFA.

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can i change the name of the rewards?
or change the objects thrown at me?

Not currently, no.

I recently got TIFA and I'm running into the problem of my avatar having white eyes. I'm new to modeling and such and I was just wondering if there was something I did wrong in TIFA

Try changing the shader to MToon

i tried changing the shader to MToon and im still getting the white eye issue ive tried different textures too but no success though the avatar looks fine in VSeeFace any clues what might be the issue? 

So, I got a new PC and redownloaded TIFA, and for some reason I no longer can zoom the camera in or out or rotate it, having my avatar super zoomed in and can't figure out WHY it might not be registering mouse inputs D: any ideas?

Does it work on any other PC with the same mouse?

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Aye, it worked perfectly fine with my old PC before it died. If I had another mouse handy I'd try that next, so I might see about changing various settings and see if I can get it to work. Funnily enough, even when I try setting up a macro on my keyboard to do mouse-wheel down or up (which in other windows it works to scroll the page), still nothing on TIFA, so I'm wondering if I just don't have something quite installed that might be required yet on my new and fresh PC?

Edit: Okay, so somehow, when I enter full screen mode with TIFA with alt+enter, it seems to fix the issue~! I have no idea why it does, but atleast I seem to have a working solution even if I just have to remember to do it anytime I launch it. I'm going to assume I have a setting somewhere that I toggled on the old PC, and might have to re-toggle on the new one... no idea what though x3

Do you have to be streaming in order to test the features?

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No, you can press Space, F or C to test off-stream.

Is anyone having an issue when, someone redeems any of the items made for TIFA when you go to accept it in the rewards request que of the mod view, it basically redeems it again inside the program?


It's a feature. ;)


Is there a way to integrate this with VUP instead of VseeFace?


Deleted 32 days ago

Not at the moment, no.

Hey, a friend of mine got TIFA and she is been enjoying it a lot, but she recently ran in to an issue, the program doesn't open anymore, she tries to open it, and it closes instantly, even if she tries to open it on admin mode, no error message, nothing, it just closes, and it was running fine before. Any ideas?

First time I've heard of this bug, it seems to be a windows issue on her side.

Hi there! TIFA is an awesome tool, thanks for making this for us! I was wondering, is there any way to change the window's resolution? I couldn't find a way to do that.

Please consider allowing custom rewards names in the next update if it's not too much of an inconvenience! It helps with both branding and language barriers for non-English speaking channels.

Still a very fun little app though!


Yeah I've been considering it for sure! :D

That's nice to hear, keep up the great work!

Hey, ive been using your program for a while now and it's been running great but now that i changed up my clothes on my avatar i get a black screen. Other avatars work and they've been through the same process. Any idea what it could be?

Try resetting the camera with Ctrl+R?


omfg that is amazing, it actually works now! was twirling my camera around and stuff and nothing worked, ty so much!

Are there any plans on allowing keybind expressions and blendshapes visible through TIFA?

The blendshapes ive set up in unity work on keybinds in vseeface and it gets pushed through to TIFA, just like all the other configuration. I switch my face with keybinds on my streamdeck, different textures an everything, just had to do the setup in VSF and streamdeck software.

Any plans for festive updates? Like Halloween (Candycorn and other themed projectiles/drop objects) or Christmas? 



Too bad, i like the idea though.


This was prob asked already, but any plans on having a way to add custom props to TIFA? Would love to see more random things thrown at me (much to the pleasure of my audience ever since I picked this up)

Deleted 2 years ago

Do you have the OSC receiver option enabled? If so try disabling it.

You guys having T-pose, you are running vseeface at the same time right?, vseeface does the tracking

hello, I've just bought this program and saw few youtube tutorials, did exactly wht they said but somehow my character doesn't movie, it appears as a T pose, my model was made with Vroid, can someone help? Thank you <3

Is there a way to resize the objects being thrown at the avatar?  They appear pretty small.  The box doesn't even cover my avatar's head.  I tried resizing the avatar in unity first, to about half the size, but it didn't effect the size of the objects thrown at my avatar

Not at the moment no, you'd need to resize your own avatar for now.

I just bought it, everything seems to be working fine, it's just that the "food" or "Give me something to eat" , just gives a 'cha ching" sound chime, it doesn't do anything else? I thought it be funnier if you get a cake or other foods thrown in your face, and it would just ooze all down lol. 

You actually do get food in your hand! However, you need Leap Motion to be able to eat it.

Oh it's like that, yeah i have leapmotion, i just wasn't using it at the time, thanks for the information!

I was wondering what that did! Too bad I don't have leap motion.

im hgaving an issue with vseeface and tifa now that i use ifacial mocap with vseeface. my ip and ports didnt change, and ifacialmocap isnt using the same ports or anything as vmc sender in vseeface, yet in tifa my model now only t-poses, instead of moving like it used to, any ideas?

ifacialmocap is not supported at this time as it uses the same ports as tifa, but I'll make those configurable in a future update

I can't seem to load my VSFavatar file into TIFA.  It doesn't show up as a selectable file, any idea what's going on?  My avatar uses animated shaders, so I really don't want to resort to using standard shaders with a regular VRM model

make sure the file extension is ".vsfavatar"

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Nevermind.  I feel so dumb.  Windows was set to only showing "vrm files" instead of "all files" or "vsf files".  TIFA defaults to searching for vrm and thats why it didn't show my vsf files.  *facepalms*

Hello! I love TIFA! I just had a question about it. I have face keybind animations set on my avatar that I trigger from Vseeface but they are not showing onto TIFA, is there any way to fix?

Keybind animations are apparently not being sent from VSeeFace into TIFA, so I can't really do anything about it. :(

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Is this also compatible with Streamlabs?
Additionally, can VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup only be added in Unity or can it be added in VRoid Studio as well?

Thank you!

The VRMSpringBoneColliderGroup has to be added to your VRM in Unity.


Will TIFA ever be combined with VTubeReflect? It will be amazing to have dynamic lighting and have the same interaction with the chat.

I'm having issues with vsfavatar format and TIFA, vrm works just fine, but when I try to import vsfavatar format the model body hangs in space.  It does track mouth and eye however. 

I do have vsf animations that are triggered around my avatars face and hands via blendshapes. Could that be the problem and if so if there a easy fix for this. 

Thank you so much and this is amazing,  my followers love it!

VSF animations are not supported as far as I know since they are not sent from VSeeFace. As far as a fix goes, I have no idea as I don't use those myself.

Hello i have recently gotten tifa it works well but i would like to know if there is a way to make the objects smaller? i use a small avatar and the items look like it was thrown by a giant!

You can scale the mesh of your avatar in Unity and re-export as a VRM, but there's no way as of right now to rescale objects.

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i have a vsfavatar file but it wont seem to show. any help? 
nvm i fixed it now my avatar is just solid and wont move

I belive its an issue with blendshapes and Vsfavatar animations. I don't think they are you would have to switch out your model between one with TIFA redeems and have a bonk bat in your hand(as an example) You would have to switch it out. 

That's only fix I can find ATM

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About antialiasing: I saw that you said to use your graphics card to override it, but when I do game capture so I can have transparency, it doesn't reflect the AA settings. OBS does not capture post-processing effects done by your GPU.

Can this work with VTuber Maker in the future? I have a hard time with VSeeFace :p

Had a bit of a silly question! Everything works as far as tracking mirroring from Vseeface to TIFA except my eyebrows! Anything I can do about that? Thanks so much!

Uhh well eyebrows work on the avatars I have tested. :\

I went ahead and tested the base models in vroid without editing them and those eyebrows dont work either. So its not my model.


Is it possible to put in custom items to throw and drop? If not I'd love to see that as a feature! We could import maybe objs and wave files for them.

In a similar vein is it possible to turn off and on certain props from showing up?

Both are in my planned list! :)

Does Tifa only work with the VRM shaders?  Been doing some edits to my model and using the Poiyomi shaders and now it's creating black blocks where it should be transparent. It looks fine in Vseeface
If there is a fix I'd love to hear about it thank u!

I have a small problem. TIFA works just fine for vrm, but when using vsfavatar, it interprets the head collider in a strange way. It seems to completely ignore the size of the collider. 

Right, for VSFAvatars, you need to use actual Sphere Colliders, and not the VRM Collider Groups.

alright, thanks! 

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