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Hi! is there a way to hide the model? I use a 2D model so I wanted the interaction but not with a 3D model


You can use a VRM with no mesh so it's invisible!

How can this be done exactly?

You can take a sample VRM from, delete the mesh in Unity and re-export it as a new VRM.

Make an invisible model, boom.

Hi, I have a feature request! So I uses a really unique model and objects thrown at my head tend to just go over me, could you add a slider or something to adjust the throw height so thing more accurately hit me?

Normally objects aim the head, is your model super big or super small by any chance?

My model is a snake, and has a flat head

I'd say it's on the small side I guess

Hi! I have used Tifa a lot with my streams, but I have now upgraded to the iPhone ARkit, which I have to set Vseeface to OSC/VCM Receiver to get my facetracking. I am now just Tposing in Tifa, is it not possible to have Vseeface as OSC/VMC Sender AND receiver at the same time? 


It is, what you have to do is open VSeeFace first and disable the OSC/VMC receiver. Then close VSeeFace and open TIFA. Once you load your avatar in TIFA, reopen VSeeFace and re-enable OSC/VMC receiver

Thank you so much! It worksss

I have paid previously for TIFA. How can I download the latest update without paying for it again?


if you have already purchased the product, you should go to the email connected to either your paypal or account. you can search for the email from to attach the purchuse to your account so you dont lose it!

Hi there! Appreciate it. My email/account already has TIFA linked to it, but it seems to have stopped asking now.

I can't seem to see where it is supposed to tell me what to name my channel point redeems?

I can load my model in, everything works across waidayo, vseeface, leap motion etc. 
I just cannot set up the redeems, the instructions in step 3 say the app should tell me what they are and they must be specific, but the app does not show me as shown in the screenshot above.


the names for the rewards are "Throw something at my face", "Drop something on my head". there is another redeem but you need hand trackers for it to work properly. hope that worked!

That helps, thank you. I do have the hand tracking, do you (or anyone else) happen to know the name for the last one so I can add it? Thank you~


i have the exact reward names,

"Throw something at my face"

"Make something fall on me"

"Give me something to eat"

hope that helped!


Will this be able to work with StreamUrVirtualAvatar down the road 

If they have a way to send their data through a server, then maybe, yeah.

Does this only work with VSeeFace or can it work with any tracker that supports VMC?

Only works with VSeeface as of now.

No reaction to us being able to remove unwanted shadows in TIFA? Love the program but it's showing me shadows i don't have in VSF and there is no menu so i have no idea how to get rid of this. Please help (:

Changing the shadows will be coming in a future update!


That sounds amazing ty! Great works so far, keep it up ^^

(1 edit)

Hello, I followed the directions and even watched a vid on how to do this but my model is still stuck in T pose. Not sure what else to do here.. 

Well it turns out TIFA needs to be opened first, then VSF. 

(1 edit) (+1)

The vsfatavar file container works, but my shaders aren't loading in for this app.
edit: Never mind. Was just some weird glitch that didn't load it. Showing a friend and it loaded for me. Weird. Eh, what ever. Thanks for the program! This is already fun and I'm just showing off to a friend XD

No prob. Enjoy the app! :D

Lo que más me molesta del programa, es que no detecta el movimiento de cejas que vseeface si, el resto todo bien, no tuve que configurar nada fue automático


Hi, i was wondering if we could remove or change the look of the shadows? Great work on this btw, very funny!

Feature request:  Allow us to set a custom time for the box (and pie) spawn length.

Hello! Is there any possibility for the program to load .vsfavatar files in a future update?

Update to version 1.2

(1 edit)

I'm pretty sure I have the most recent version... According to the development log, 1.2 was released a little over 2 months ago and I only got the program last month and my .vsfavatar model doesn't appear when I load my model

EDIT: Reinstalled the program with the most recent version to be certain and still no sight of my .vsfavatar. Any help would be super appreciated if this is meant to be a working feature!


After you click the "Load VSF / VRM" button, change the dropdown from ".vrm" to ".vsavatar" to view files with that file extension.

Is it possible to move the hot box because box and pies are falling too far down and behind to arcuately and on my head

You could always add a bigger collider to your head by following the tutorial. Would that work?

I tried that and maxed it out but it doesn't hit right also where is the tutorial?

(1 edit)

Tutorial is right in the desctiption of the tool

Question. Can we get anti-aliasing options? Hate having it be so crunchy. Thanks!

You can force AA in your GFX Card panel options!

hi i was woundering if you could make it for trovo also they have an open api and it would be amazing if so

(1 edit)

Hello, I have everything working; however, about a few minutes into every stream the avatar becomes extremely choppy. It works well, and then it will randomly drop the avatar frame rate to what appears to be about 5FPS. (Game still runs fine, it is only the avatar) I am not alt-tabbing, minimizing, or doing anything other than playing the game. I have had to disable and just go back to VSeeFace every time. Anyone have fixes? Thanks in advance.

Also, using TIFA always degrades the quality of my avatar. Makes it look grainy as opposed to how it looks in VSeeFace.

i cant get it to move my avatar , already got the sender on , and the right port :C

Hi I downloaded the program and it loads the model fine, but the model won't move. The leapmotion arms won't move either. How do I fix this? Thanks!

You need VSeeFace to do all the tracking.

From the instructions:
"Download VSeeFace at

Enable the "Send data with OSC/VMC protocol" option in General Settings in VSeeFace. Make sure VSeeFace is running when using TIFA.

Change the port value in VSeeFace to "39539"."

(1 edit)

Everything should/has been set up this way but my model wouldn't move on neither VSF nor TIFA the moment I check "Send data with OSC/VMC protocol", without checking that VSF works fine ><

Edit: nevermind, discovered it was because I clicked Start in VSF which was the main reason TIFA wouldn't track. However, ran into another issue where my model would look really odd/disproportionate, would this have to do with how the model was set up during creation?


Hi! I've downloaded the program and it works perfectly!! One question, is there a way to remove the shadows? They look very weird on my model 😅
Thank u in advance ^^


Hi! My friends (Unity developer) and I (VTuber) were wondering how it'd be possible to add our own objects to TIFA! I saw you were planning on releasing the source code soon, but we couldn't figure out what the Unity Mod Loader you mentioned was.

(1 edit)

Hi, i currently use vseeface but if a program had the OSC/VMC protocol, would that also work ?

im trying to wonder if you are able to add items manually, or if items are added per update. cause my viewers are asking for a pan/anvil to drop on my head. which would be funny.


i noticed in a comment below this one you have said you can already mod the current items in your awesome tool with a "unity mod loader"
i think i am just being dumb but i am struggling finding such a plug in for unity.

is there a specific one you might be able to link or point in the right direction?

Are you considering adding the ability for us to upload our own 3D objects/matching sound effects? If not I think adding a water bottle hit that could match a hydrate command would be very fun!

You can already modify existing objects with a Unity Mod Loader. However, I'm planning on releasing the source code at some point. :)

Nice! would love to add my own models i made like a turtle shell, lego blocks or a flying cow!

Can you release some kind of tutorial for this when you have the time, for those of us not familiar with unity modifying!

I don't do unity modding myself, so I'm clueless as to how to do it. I just know it's possible.

Wonderful tool!! Its really fun to use! 

I do have a question though. I have a bunch of different outfits for my model, and I was wondering if there is a way to change models in and out without having to restart the entire application? Thank you very much!


Maybe you could do it with blendshapes? So all your outfits are in one model and can be toggled as expressions.

(1 edit) (+2)

YOOO I love your app!

What I'd like to be able to do though is changing the name of the point redeems! That'd be really cool! (I stream in spanish and my audience hardly knows any english so most don't know what the redeems say!)

Besides that, the app works just fine! ^^

Thanks for the review! I'll try adding an option to change the point redeem names for sure!

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

hey, so i recently got a VR kit and wanted to stream from it using VirtualMotionCapture via TIFA, happy to say it works almost perfectly!

there was a weird thing where, if VMC was already running and sending OSC data, TIFA immediately loaded my avatar on the startup menu, and loading my avatar to get rid of the UI froze the avatar and loaded a new avatar in addition to leaving the old one there. i think VMC sends the VRM data in addition to OSC data? i captured what it looks like when this happens here: 

i was able to get around it by launching TIFA and loading my avatar first, before launching VMC, and it basically worked perfectly fine.

to me, it's just a bit of a minor inconvenience. but i feel like if this were fixed it would be pretty cool to say that TIFA works with both VSeeFace and VMC out of the box lol

Thanks for the review! :) I'll look at it, but I'm not sure what's causing it the bug.

right, ok, i guess i should have tested the funny stuff first... almost none of the fun stuff worked properly, i think it got confused about the position of things (probably because of OSC data coming from VMC being different from VSeeFace somehow?) and was spawning stuff in the wrong place. here's a capture, everything dropped from the base of the feet except for the pie, and the food didn't show up. 

all that being said, while it would be nice if this were fixed, i would totally understand if you chose not to and only focus on supporting VSF. frankly i think it's amazing that using VMC even works at all and i'm satisfied just being able to wave my hands around, and i also still do non-VR streams with VSF anyway, so. 

Right, it just looks like TIFA is not finding the limbs (head, hands, etc..) of the model you imported in it. If you can DM me on Twitter we can look at it.

(1 edit)

I dont know if im daft, but where is the shadow intensity slider? I dont appear to have anything for that. Also be there a way to save an avatar as default? Ive got a Vseeface avatar, and while a small inconvenience, having to click open then select vseeface in the file filter is a *tiny* bit frustrating-- But i really love this tysm <3

I actually removed the shadow slider since it was causing issues. There is no way to save an avatar as default currently, I could add it in a next update.

Hmmm. Is there any way to remove the shadows like the slider used to do for me? I have an interesting model that looks weird with the shadows on! I was also saddened by the removal of the intensity slider. 

Deleted 3 years ago

Loving this, just set it up and it all works except the Give me something to eat command for some reason, just don't see anything happening

It should give you something in your hands, and you can eat it if you havea  leap motion


Ah and I do. It works great :) Thank you

Is it possible to control whether the boxes or pies fall? I enjoy the boxes falling on my head more than the pies. Would it be possible to disable the pies from the possible falling objects? Might be a neat feature in a future update to allow people to enable/disable which things fall or get thrown at them. Have some kind of checkbox menu or configuration file where we can choose which objects will get used in the TIFA program in a future update.

I will definitely add configuration options in the future!

Deleted 2 years ago

Not at the moment, but I can look at it in the future. :)

Hi Melon! First of all amazing software you have created! My chat loves to bonk me and I really think this application will satisfy their bonking!

However, I was able to do everything besides the tracking. I am currently getting a new upgrade for my avatar (new expression, it makes the file becomes a VSF) when I uploaded a VRM file of my old model everything is perfectly fine! But, when I use the newer model (which is the VSF) I'm stuck in this weird position the only lets me turn left and right but I can't look around or anything... And when I want to throw stuff at my face it gets thrown way over my head. Could this be a model problem?

I am having the exact same issues with my model

Hey there I'm dealing with the same issue with my VSFavatar format. I'm thinking it might have to do with the blendshapes? Maybe this program will not work with blendshapes that add things to the head face and arms? For example I have a hat I can put on with a hot key by hiding the assest and setting up and animation thru Unity.  Any luck on a fix to this?  Because it kinda limits people who use VSF format. Or is this a user error that can be fixed?

Hey Melon, this plugin is amazing! Super glad I found it. My chat loves it! I was wondering if you will integrate transparency and lighting in a future update? At the moment I have some glasses that are transparent in Vseeface but solid in TIFA.

(2 edits)

There already is transparency if you enable the "Enable Transparency" option in OBS, if you capture the game as a Game Capture!

As for lighting, you can already tweak the shaow intensity, but I might add more options later!

EDIT: Oh you meant on the 3D model itself? Make sure it's using the Standard shaders.


Thanks for the answer! I noticed it uses the lighting/material options in Unity other than what is in VseeFace, which is actually pretty cool. I guess I can add lighting, etc. To the model itself in Unity and it will work in TIFA?

Otherwise I am looking forward to what's to come man, this software is amazing :D

So I think I am doing things right, but it's not working out.

Boot VSeeFace, enabled "Send data with OSC\VMC protocol", open TIFA, entered the Twitch ID and selected the VRM, but then everything goes black (text disappears). Doesn't seem to take any input, OBS definitely captures nothing from that window.

What am I missing?


Try moving with WASD, maybe your avatar is way too small for the app.

Hi, TIFA does not work in current versions of VSEEFACE (or at least for me, it only works until the version 1.13.36d B)

An option would also be good is to enter the port that you want to assign.

I use this software a lot in my streaming, a next update with more functions would be good :)


What instructions? I can't find any instructions


They normally appear when you download the software on the download page. I'll add them to the main post.


OMG Thank you! <3  MUCH BETTER!

looks like a lot of fun, can't wait to use this! though i should mention the current version doesn't come with a readme lol

Woops! I'll make sure to fix that for the next version! Thanks for the catch!

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